What is NetSetGO!?
Suncorp NetSetGO! is divided up into three tiers: Net, Set and GO! Where you start depends on your age and netball experience. Both girls and boys can play!
As you move through the tiers, you’ll pick up more advanced netball skills. One week it might be passing drills and ball games, next it could be shooting and practice matches. All Oakhill Drive NetSetGO! sessions are led by a friendly netball coach, using equipment built specially for our youngest players.
You’ll learn so many things: How to throw, pass and catch a netball; How to take off and land safely; How to pivot and change direction; The mysterious art of goal shooting; Some basic movement skills and techniques; Why teamwork is so important; How to play fair, respect your umpire and have fun.
Learn more about the special rules of NSG by clicking HERE.
Our 2025 NSG teams will be listed in order of age from 7 years – 9 years.
Training for all NetSetGO! will be at Oakhill Drive Public School on Tuesdays at 6:30-8pm.
Any queries, please contact registrar@nulloakhillnetball.com
Announcing our 2025 NSG Teams!
NSG has a focus on being fun, whilst promoting fitness and friendships.
We welcome all our new players to Oakhill Drive, and celebrate the return of our more experienced players from previous seasons.